Thanks y'all for creating this wiki, especially, since many pro wrestling fans these days (or at least where I'm from) forget about the rich history of puroresu.
Puroresu System Wiki Journal
Puroresu System Wiki Journal Entry #1
Edit the D-Oh Grand Prix Page by adding the lowercase letter "a" next to broken rib.
Welcome to the community
Hello newcomers, I would like to welcome the you of this community. I built this site and I did and doing my best to keep it updated to make one objective to make this ommunity the best and the greatest active Puroresu wikia out.
With that, also I would like to thank you for all coming around and doing your best to make this wikia great, wether, it's correcting errors or keeping the things updated, it's keeping the place active and alive and it's always the good and the right step.
Happy editings! :)