Puroresu System Wiki
This set of pages and subpages, organized to browse through the tabbed layout above, is intended to give admins and regular users an overview of current maintenance tasks, issues and errors, as well as provide lists of other tracking categories.
It basically collects tracking & error categories populated by various templates in a more accessible way than searching through the category tree.
The lists also inform about the number of items in the categories, and display a colored warn icon depending on those numbers, from blue (low) over orange (medium) to red (high). Note that the limits for the colors are individually set, there is no general system. Some categories should always be empty and will immediately show a warning sign if not, others may only start to display the sign at a significant number. Some may become red at 10 already, others only at 100, depending on the type and importance.
These pages, the tracking categories, and the templates populating them are a work in progress and are currently in a first stage. The lists may grow, and also the numbers of pages in the categories.
For now, the most important categories to review are the following. For more detailed tracking, see Issue tracking.
Other maintenance pages that should be checked regularly:

See also

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